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Next Step

Next Step


Next Step is a partnership program between New Horizon’s High School and Alan Wire. The program allows for selected students to go to school in the morning and work for Alan Wire in the afternoon. These students are able to gain school credit and actually get paid working for the company! The goal of the program is to provide students with work experience and to gain knowlege of important life application skills. 

Interested students must apply for admittance in the program. Criteria for applying include being at least 17 years old, being able to pass a physical exam and to pass a drug screening. All successful applicants are considered as part time employees of Alan Wire.



PeachJar Flyers

Peachjar Flyers

Bullying Form

Bullying Form




Contact Information

Alternative Education Center
835 W. Murray Lane
Sikeston, Missouri 63801
Phone: 573-472-8808
Fax: 573-472-1444